Published in Playboy's Electronic Entertainment guide in Fall 1982.
This is off of our normal subject but I came across this old magazine that includes other articles like "There's more to life than Pac-Man: How to beat Donkey Kong" and "What computers can do for you" which says that "VisiCalc is the most popular program of all time with 250,000 copies sold". And it included a scathing review of this Magic-Stat product. Sold for $79 mail order. At first glance, I thought it was just another ugly thermostats in a long history that still goes on today. Then i read the article which explains a "LEARN" mode that makes it easier to set much like the nest would do decades later. Also, it claims to have what is now reffered to as "adaptive recovery". This is where the thermostat starts the equipment before the set time so it can get the home to temperature at a specified time instead of just starting to get to temperature at the time of setpoint. I haven't done any fact-checking, but it says they are the first thermostat to do this... too bad it took 20 years for this to become a more standard feature.
Here are a few more pics I took of the magazine...i claim no rights or ownership of any of this material.